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Day 100 - You Are Here

Hey! I'm still here! Been a tough, busy, crazy couple of weeks, but here we are...100 days in since I started blogging about my experience. So, what's going on? What's the state of the union, Joe?

On the health front, the last couple of weeks after treatments weren't much better: exhaustion, fatigue, brain fog, couch-bound, throwing up, mucus/phlegm, and general misery. But...BUT...drum roll please, the last few days have been a significant improvement! It really started Monday, and has (knock on wood) continued. I feel more awake and aware. I have more energy. I'm able to keep my downloads down without throwing up any of them. I feel like the saliva/mucus is starting to slow down a bit. I'm on my feet more. While I am far from "better", I feel like a different person. It's like waking from some long slumber. Of course, I still tire easily, still need rest and sleep, still have to spit in a cup all day, still have to take it easy, but wow, I feel better. I'm going to say that again, maybe more for me than for you, lol. I. feel. better. And that feels like a victory.

As far as what's next, we're only a week from the PET scan. That scan will show us how effective the chemo and radiation were in knocking down/destroying the tumors and cancer. There's nothing we can do but wait. After the scan, we'll meet with the surgeon and if everything looks good, we'll be planning surgery for mid-June. Again, this is a significant surgery (8-10 hours) and 7-10 days of hospital stay recovery. Between the treatments and surgery, the idea is that I will be cancer free! That's the best hope. I imagine I'll have to have annual screenings to make sure nothing has returned or appeared elsewhere, but I have a real chance of coming out of this thing healthy and healed. Of course, this is all hoping for the best. But what else can I do but hope?

We moved this past weekend, and by "we" I mean Jess and the amazing support we had

from friends and family (shout out to Becca and Josh, Ainsley, Drake, Braeden, Shane, Jim, and the two movers). They worked their behinds off to move us out of our West Virginia home and into our Virginia home. Packing, cleaning, moving, unpacking, setting up. Lifesavers! And I can't even begin to tell you the amount of work Jess had/has done to get everything set up and make it all happen. The new house is wonderful! More space, tons of natural light, very comfortable, and modern conveniences we didn't have in our cozy little woods/mountain house (heat/AC, big dishwasher, fridge with water/ice maker, two bathrooms!). The dogs love the fenced in yard and have adapted to the new place quickly. And, get this...Jess surprised me by making one of the rooms my own dedicated game room! She and the kids decorated it with cool wall hangings (like a map of Middle Earth and fantasy art and a fun sign on the door and cool little trinkets and things like a mimic chest to hold my dice and stuff like that). It's so cool! They totally created an awesome game space and I was on the verge of tears when they surprised me.

The West Virginia house is on the market. We still have a few random things to pick up and bring back, but for the most part, it's empty. Now we just need to get it sold (and quickly). We'll miss it, for sure, but this is a good change. It feels like a bit of a fresh start. Now I just need to get healthier, and stronger, so I can do things again.

I'm in good spirits and feeling positive. As I write this, the sun is streaming through the back slider. I'm at the table, and not on the couch. I've got music playing instead of just curling up in silence. I feel focused enough to write, to think, to create. I know I have a long way to go. I know I still have to take "baby steps" and listen to my body. I do still have to contend with throwing up "junk" at times and tube feeds (downloads) every few hours and the still present excess saliva and the lack of strength, but I definitely feel like I have stepped onto the road to recovery.

Thanks to all of you for continuing to cheer me on, and check in, and offer support, and be a part of my team. You make a difference. You are here.


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