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Day 374 - Year of the Dragon

Our crew at Christmas!

Mid February already? I didn't even weigh in here and wish you all a happy New Year! So...happy New Year! But here we are, the year of the dragon (in the Chinese Zodiac). Appropriate, no? The year of the dragon...the year of positive news and progression against the cancer in my body. That's how Jess and I are looking at this. The year the dragon crawled back into its lair and ceased to terrorize our village.

I just had another PET scan on Monday and the news was, overall, pretty good. The tumor in the esophagus is drastically reduced and shows no activity. The lymph node in my neck has shrunk significantly and shows no activity. Cancer has not spread to any other parts of my body. The only other concern is a group of lymph nodes in my abdomen (right side, back) that have been there, but are still showing activity and might be kind of trying to form up - like a men's bowling league or a garage band. The doctor is referring me to a radiologist to take a look and see what's going on and if targeting that area with radiation might be useful. He said it won't be as bad as the last time I got radiation because it would be to a more concentrated area, and I'd be paused in my chemo treatments during that time.

Chemo treatments have continued. Every three weeks. Chemo and immunotherapy. Although I'm now changing up to a two week treatment schedule to allow for a slight change in the way I'm getting the secondary drug and dosages and stuff. The anti-nausea meds they give me at treatment really do the trick and I've been fortunate to not have to deal with vomiting and feeling horrendous for a long time now. I'm active and feeling strong (relatively) and I have my mind and creativity back. Jess and I are even doing yoga! I walk the dogs, stacked wood for the fireplace, and generally don't feel useless anymore.

I've been writing a lot. I just turned in Junior Monster Scouts #9 to my editor and I'm writing

book 10 now. I'm signing the contract for a 4th Junior Monster Scouts Ready to Read book (the first three come out this summer). I'm working on my copy edits for Junior Monster Scouts #8. I'm also working on a new middle-grade novel and I'm co-writing a Role-playing game book with a friend. I have several school visits lined up in March, as well as a trip to Fort Meyers for the Southwest Florida Children's Book festival. They're flying me down there for the weekend to be on a panel and sign books, etc. So, as you can see, I've been creatively busy!

What a change from a year ago. A year ago I was in pretty bad shape. Now, I feel human again. This is going to be an ongoing campaign against the cancer in my body - keeping it dormant, at bay. Making sure it doesn't spread or relight its torches. The odds of it going away one hundred percent are incredibly slim, but if we can keep it quiet and contained, then I count that as a win right now. And hey, if there's one outward sign that my body is fighting like hell against the invader, it's the fact that I have NOT lost my hair! They told me I would the first round, and they told me I would this round. Instead? Full-bodied! and beard. I even just got a new cut - Viking mohawk! Check it out:

Even bed head can't stop the curls!

Smiles and scarves at Hogwarts

Okay, friends, sorry for the long pause in posts and thank you for reading and thinking of me and Jess. Means a lot to us. :)

  • j

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